
The Borak-Borak Sessions: Asking Alexandria

  • By Bryan
  • May 2
  • 0

We just very recently, sat down with British superstar metal-core band, Asking Alexandria during their recent visit to Kuala Lumpur. It was an impromptu interview and everything was very casual. Just the way we like it. We asked them a few serious questions, and a lot of random ones too. Check out how the interview went down below.


What’s the question that annoys you guys the most?

Sam: What is the meaning behind the band name “Asking Alexandria”?

Cameron: What is it that you are asking Alexandria about?

Okay, I will stay clear of those questions then. Since starting out in 2008, is there any difference being a musician back then and now?

Ben: Yeah, we’ve all gotten fatter! LOL and James is balder.

Cameron:  and we can pay for our McDonald meals quite comfortably.

Ben: but yeah, in this day and age, everything changes so fast, especially in the music industry. People are always finding new ways to sell records, because nobody wants to buy albums anymore. I see bands doing anything they can. Like releasing their album on a USB stick instead of a CD. I don’t know, I just guess it’s an ever revolving thing that everyone has been trying to figure out, and are still figuring out for a long time now.

Sam: Yeah I don’t anyone has.

Ben: oh wait, I think they have. Just write dubstep. LOL


In terms of AA, how have you guys countered that?

Ben: we just stuck with it, and just go “f*ck it”, we’re gonna release CDs. We’ve even gone more old-school and released our stuff on vinyl. I guess we’re just really lucky that we have fans that are really supportive to our music and buy our stuff. We’re just really thankful for that.

Being in a band is kinda like getting married to 4 other guys, so what is that factor that has been keeping you guys together all this years?

Ben: Well, we all have really tiny penises, so the sex isn’t very painful, and it’s almost not g*y.

Cameron: yeah, gotta try new things to spice things up you know.

So the winning key here to a successful band is anal sex?

Cameron & Sam: Yeaps!

Ben: I’m actually married, so I don’t get to have anal sex. For some reason that changes when you get married.

Doesn’t that kinda stuff get better after you get married? Cause you try more stuff AFTER you get married right?

Cameron: Nope, it’s GAME OVER mate.

Ben: All my wife says is “Ben, I need more money.”


Is there like a particular guy in the band which you always bully? Or that one guy that gets it all the time in the band?

Ben: To be honest, I think I bully everyone the most.

Cameron: yeah, no doubt about that. But it’s the hearted kinda bullying.

Ben: but I would say James.

Sam: James is the worst, because he is so dumb. It’s he’s action and reaction, and sometimes he is really slow.

(At this point, while we were back stage doing the interview, James starts banging on the drumset on stage.)

Ben: see James is a f*cking idiot!

Sam: we’re tryna have an interview here and he is bashing on a drumkit.

Ben: Have you seen that movie “Dunston Checks In”? If you haven’t, go check it out, it’s about an orangutan. That is James.

So it’s safe to say that James is pretty much the band clown?

Everyone: yes!

Sam: I remembered when we were in Australia and we were teasing him, and he got really angry and he started punching everyone!

Ben: He got pretty drunk that day and he went “Ben, I’ve noticed that you’ve been really mean to me lately, and I’m really upset about it, can we sort it out?” I just went “F*ck off you d*ck head”. LOL.


Among all the songs that you guys have written, which is your most favorite to perform on stage?

Cameron: For me it would be “Poison”.

Ben: Boringggggg

Sam: I would go with “Break Down The Walls”

Ben: I actually really love performing “Run Free” and “The Death Of Me”. For me “Run Free” is a song that has so many elements in it, and it takes the crowd on a journey.

Apart from the women and alcohol, what’s your fav part about touring?

Sam: apart from the women and alcohol?!?!


Cameron: there’s absolutely no other reason! F*ck everything else! LOL!

Ben: BUT, I love the fact that I wake up at a new place every day. Meet new people and see new things.

Cameron: Yeah, that is actually a really nice feeling. Getting to see new places you’ve never seen or even heard about it before.


So you guys landed yesterday afternoon, and you’ve had time to wonder the streets of KL and do some “bird watching”, what do you honestly think about the women here in Malaysia?

Ben: We saw A LOT of hot ones yesterday. But for some reason, me, Sam, Cameron and Chris, our guitar tech, just went back to the hotel and had a pillow fight with each other. LOL. So I don’t really know what went wrong.

Cameron: There were so many hot chicks, but we just got really wasted and instead of talking to a local chick, I ended up chatting with a chick from Cornwall, England! I flew all the way to Malaysia and had a chat with a Brit! WTF.

On a scale of 1 – 10, 10 being really hot, how do the women of Malaysia fair?

Ben: I would give them a solid 7.

What’s the weirdest thing you have every autographed?

Ben: I’ve signed a penis before. In fact I’ve signed multiple penises before.

Sam: You can say NO, you know?

Ben: Yeah but it’s hilarious! Someone walks up to you and whips out his dong and ask you to sign it, it’s definitely something very amusing.

Cameron: I’ve signed a vagina

Sam: Asses. Boobs. Oh yeah I’ve signed a false leg before

Ben: I’ve signed a girl’s butt cheek before. And it was during the day. So after the show I met this girl again and she had my autograph tattooed to her butt cheeks.


Tolong or Saman? (After explaining to them what is does “tolong” and “saman” means in this context, here is what they answered)

Cameron: I think it would really depend how the fine is. If it’s expensive I might sorta try to talk my way out of it. But if the cop is an ass, then I might just take the fine, to get him outta my face.

Sam: yeah, sometimes you get those a-hole cops that try to be a dick to irritate you, and if you try to bribe him he’s just gonna give you a heavier fine. I think I will just take the fine.

Ben: I will just take the ticket. And give it to my manager after that.

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