The Petronas Twin Towers is, undoubtedly the icon of Kuala Lumpur and Malaysia. Every single tourist that step foot in our country, has to visit the twin towers and have at least one picture with it. We Malaysians on the other hand, have taken this beauty for granted. Its like we are a disgruntled cheating spouse that is bored of our relationship and have looked outside the marriage for excitement.
SO, to rekindle that spark of excitement in our marriage with our Malaysian icon, we took a stroll and acted as tourist in our own country. We went on a tour of the Petronas Twin Towers’ Sky Bridge and Observation Tower on the 86th floor. The entrance fee for the whole tour is only RM25 for anyone that owns a MYKAD, if not it would cost you RM80.
The view on both the Sky Bridge and Observation Deck is simply breathtaking and definitely worth the tour. If any of you who are reading this, and have never been on the tour, we definitely encourage you to go and experience it yourself in person, as the pictures does not do the real experience any justice.