
Creativity vs Emotions

What is creativity to you? Most people tend to think that art is expensive, people think that there must be a price to pay to enjoy art. Yes, there is a price to pay because for the most part, every type of art by every type of artist has its own price but it doesn’t always have to be expensive or posh or created with high end materials. Artwork usually goes much deeper than just depicting pretty objects. Art can be as basic as scribbles on a piece of plain paper or half cup of water with a pebble inside it and can still bring a whole lot of meaning behind it. You are the mastermind behind your work, you control your own creativity.

Creativity plays a big part in producing your own artwork and when it comes to creativity, the sky is the limit. Ideas can spark from from absolutely anything, anything at all. You will find it surprising that things around you could inspire to turn nothing into something. It could be the pen sitting across your desk or that old photo frame enclosed with wood structure that holds a picture hanging above your bed. I really enjoy art that is minimal but brings a whole lot of meaning behind every piece and here are some of the artists and their work which I think you might want to ponder upon :


Bryan Alexander Lim

Also known as Bryzoid, is a self portrait/fine art photographer. The way he creates his photos are distinctive and intriguing because his photos express feelings and emotions. The way he conceptualizes his photos is unique and carries intrinsic values. They tell a story, a story that you’ve never heard of but brings familiarity. They are surrealistic and dreamy in way so powerful that his artwork would let you experience genuine emotions and feelings while you look at his photos, his pictures will make you think and feel. If you want to know what I’m talking about, feel free to check his stuff out on his website and Instagram.



Sugee Wee

People might not know who she is or have never even heard of her, but her artwork is amazing, its not just art, but she makes something out of it. Her ideas are creative and nostalgic, the artwork is lovely, she adds a kind of vintage touch into it. Her photos are of the most random things such as plants, accessories, materials, her cat and so on. They are things we see around us daily but she adds her own style into her photos and make them look different. Recently she has just started her own collection of embroidery pieces called the ‘Chronic Bitchface Series’. Its basically embroidery sewing of faces and flowers in a very distinctive style. You might want to take a look at her artwork via her Pinterest and Instagram.



Marianne Tan

You will find her face familiar because she has appeared in a few Youtube short films but besides having the talent of acting, she’s more than just a pretty face. Behind that sweet and succulent smile lies a great digital illustrator. Her skills in digital illustrations are truly impressive as her painting carries within it a sense of motion, whether in the gestures of the brushstrokes or the intensity of the emotion. With her set of skills, she is able to make her illustrations come to live. Check her out on her Youtube channel and Facebook page.



Ashley Gan

Besides being young at heart, she creates extraordinary thought provoking art pieces. She claims that she is still in the process of soul searching. Her latest collection is titled ‘Broken’, a series of 5 uniquely cracked mirrors, these cracks are what Ashley sees in  relationships, broken promises, friendships, shattered expectations and hardships we often stumble upon in our life. It is true that when something is broken, it is unlikely when it comes to fixing it,  hence, we should appreciate the broken pieces and turn it into a memory. Feel free to check her out on her Instagram and website.