
“Desserts in the City” by Cloakwork

  • By Shawn Tan
  • Dec 10
  • 0

Before we get into this interesting graffiti post, let us ask ourself how many of us actually do pay attention to the billboards along the street? Our lovely government has dumpped a lot of money into building these digital billboards that is suppose to inform us citizens about the happenings on the road. However, a lot of them are not functioning and are just left there as “eye candy”.

Now is the time where art comes in. Graffiti artist, Cloakwork used this abandoned billboard as his canvas, and add some flavour to the boring billboards. Cloak named these babies as “Desserts in The City”. YES, it’s not “Sex And The City”. Enjoy these desserts and let us all learn to pay more attention to our surroundings.


“Berries Yoghurt” at Jalan Jelatek

1 2 3

“Jelly” at MRR1

4 5

“Simpsons Donut” at Pandan Indah

6 7 ‘8

“Red and Blue Berry Cake”, somewhere in KL 


“Layers Cake” in Bangsar


“Cookies with Cream Topping” and “Magma” in Kampung Attap

11 12
cloakwork graffiti