
The MarksWomen Series: @syuhaidazain

  • By Yasmeen Costelo
  • Oct 19
  • 0

The first female to be featured in our Marksmen series, appropriately we’ll be naming this series the MarksWomen Series in honour of Syuhaida Zain. Based from Kuala Lumpur, @syuhaidazain started taking photographs of her journey and took her photography hobby more seriously. Her truly unique landscapes of natural scenes embody her signature style. Syuhaida’s intuitive artistic detail of the world’s overwhelming beauty of nature, wildlife, landscape, and street photographs are the core of her work.



“I’ve started taking photos in 2013 with my iPhone. I used Instagram as my platform to showcase my work. It started as a hobby, I’ve always love to take photos. I loved how a photograph can be absolutely convey a story telling in an awe-inspiring way without words. After being featured as a suggested user on Instagram, I got noticed by many Instagramers and brands. Since that I bought my first camera and start shooting almost everything. “



“I shoot everything. I don’t have specific style in photography. From brands to architecture, cityscapes to nature, I constantly focus on improving my photography skills and trying out creative different styles to deliver great photos. My drive to improve my photography came from inspirations on Instagram. I’m self taught and never took lessons. I learn best by focusing on my favourite photographers. With every your work becomes more purposeful. With photography, there’s no limitation to learning.” 



“My current camera gears I use to shoot are Fujifilm X100S and Canon 5d Mark ii”



“Make friends with locals. Find different spots. Just go out and explore.”




“In my opinion, every good photographer should possess these skills;

Creativity and Imagination – A creative mind and plenty of imagination to be able to look and think out of box. These are the best guides for stellar compositions.

An Eye for Detail – To ensure that all elements within the photo such as lighting, composition, storytelling and emotion.

Patience and Flexibility – Patience is always an essential quality to have. Need to be patient enough to deal with everything. You need to be patient enough to wait for the perfect lighting or perfect moment and so on.

Passion- Passion makes the photographer. When you’re passionate about what you do, it will always make you work a little harder, push a little farther, and strive to be better than you were the day before.

“There are two local photographers that I look up to which are @Pdahv and Rayyiu Radzi.”


marksmen The MarksWomen Series: @syuhaidazain