

  • By Putra Shazwan
  • Mar 9
  • 0

From Picasso to Da Vinci and many other great artists out there, we can all agree that the ‘art’ of art is a raw and organic process. This goes the same for Suraiya, local artist who hopes to have her name up there with the greats. Under the name MELINGKART, Suraiya has been sharing her artwork via Instagram and is slowly but surely on her way to becoming Instagram famous. MELINGKART, a play on words (melingkar + art) showcases a collection of doodles and illustrations that possess a level of creativity and eccentricity, us amateurs know nothing of. The account may be one month old but the talent is definitely there. Every piece starts off with just a train of thought and slowly molds into something that is truly different. And we are very honored that she gave us an exclusive look at her art. See it for yourself, but if you want more do follow her on Instagram!

doodle art illustration melingkart