
Shadow Trooper’s Vacation in Malaysia – by VPYP

  • By Tunway
  • Dec 15
  • 0

It’s good to get away from the Death Star every once in a while, all they do is stand in line, march in the hallway and stand beside the blast door. This Shadow Trooper must be having a very hard time to apply annual leave from Lord Darth Vader and escape from the danger staying in Malaysia.

First arrived in Malaysia and tried to change some Ringgit Malaysia with his Death Star note.

Photographer, VPYP, working with in portray how Shadow Trooper having their sweet time in Malaysia by photographing them in a very Malaysian style. Well, I hope the Trooper enjoyed their trip in Malaysia, at least there is no Jedi. Check out more VPYP’s photography on Tumblr.

May the food be with you.

Well, don’t trust your eyes. They might be lying to you.

shadow trooper VPYP