
The Borak-Borak Sessions: Keow Wee Loong, Malaysia’s Roof-topper Photographer

  • By Shaun Loy
  • Jul 27
  • 10

Keow Wee Loong also know as KiwiKeow, is our very own local roof-topper photographer. Previously, Keow Wee Loong created numbers of headlines by climbing one of the world’s tallest towers in Shanghai. Recently, he has climbed the soon-to-be world’s tallest residential skyscraper, Marina 101, in the city of Dubai. His bravery and stunning photographs have drawn attention from all around the world yet again. We got the chance to keep in touch and do a “Borak-Borak Session” with the man himself and ask few questions about his work and passion in roof-topping photography.


What or who inspired you to start roof-topping photography?

I started taking photo when I first got my DSLR. I took a lot of photos; I mean good one, but no one really like it. I think the reason is because photography is too common. Everyone can take good pictures with good practice. So I try shooting something unique that can’t be done by others.


What’s your physical preparation before any roof-topping projects?

I love climbing and enjoy the scenery from above. But living in the city, the only thing I can climb is building.


What were the difficulties you encountered first starting roof-topping photography?

Roof-topping photography is not an easy task. Some people call it a crime, but I call it creating art and keeping the (landscape) images for the future generation. Not many people could get access to restricted area in the city. Getting to the top without getting arrested is the biggest difficulties roof-topper face while capturing image from above the building.


Among your works/projects, which one is your favourite?

Climbing the tallest tower in the world in Shanghai (Shanghai Tower) and Shenzhen (Ping, a finance centre).

Other than rooftop photography, I do shoot nature as well, like the Blue Fire of Ijen (located in East Java, Indonesia).

 Whose work has influenced you most?

I guess nobody has influenced me. I do not copy people’s work or get inspire by others.

Which/when is the most memorable roof-topping photography session?

I travel around the world-capturing photo from above for a long time, but nothing beat the view from the roof of our own country.


Was photography your first choice of a career? Is it something you’ve always wanted to do?

I did law but end up in photography because of my passion.

How has today’s social media played a role in your photography?

Well my photo can be distributed faster and I can make money doing the things I love through social media.

Follow Keow Wee Loong on his Facebook Page and also his Instagram (@KiwiKeow) for more updates and information.

City landscpae Keow Wee Loong KiwiKeow photography Roof topping