The next photographer that we’re featuring on The Marksmen Series is none other than Shafiq Saleh, or more commonly known by his 18,600 odd Instagram followers as “@shafiqanaksaleh_”. Originally from Johor Bahru, Shafiq now lives in Kuala Lumpur. His photography journey started when he bought his first iPod back in 2010 and downloaded the newly launched Instagram app and was immediately hooked. He started taking more and more pictures, and eventually his passion for photography led him to meet more like minded people like him on Instagram and he grew tremendously in the community.
When asked about the inspiration behind his photography, this is what he had to say:-
“My daily life requires me to walk a lot and use public transportation to go to the office. Usually that’s the time where I scan around and do a mental booking of several places to go during the weekends or my free time. Stay alert, always be on the look out and always try to see the “special” in ordinary things. To me, to capture that perfect/beautiful shot, it all depends on the right time, right moment and if God willing, you will witness that moment. It’s either you managed to capture it with your gear or just letting the moment “get away” by just using your eyes to capture the moment into your memories.”
Shafiq takes photos that are mostly related to symmetry, geometry, or anything solid that catches his attention and uses a Fujifilm XA-1 or his iPhone to achieve this. He is also part of a creative collective called 5TRAMP which he explains about it below:-
” “5TRAMP actually means “Street Ambush Project”. We replaced the “S” to a “5” to represent the 5 people in the group comprising of myself, @adlyaizad, @mhdhilmi, @zhafrysam and @razieff. This dudes have been my close friend when we first followed each other through Instagram back in 2012. “