
The Marksmen Series: @taufiqnadzri

  • By Ramesh Weston
  • Sep 21
  • 0

Welcoming the fourth photographer to The Marksmen Series, we would like to introduce to you, Muhammad Taufiq Bin Ahmad Nadzri, also known to most as Panjang – who can be found via his Instagram handle, @taufiqnadzri. Born and raised in our very own busy streets of Kuala Lumpur, Panjang has risen the ranks, and is a full-time photographer for Festival of Malaysia Independent Clothing, Tempatan Fest, and most other local events.

Panjang mentioned to us that when he initially started photography, he was truly clueless – he started without any basic knowledge about camera settings, as that he did not take any photography classes during his schooling time. He mentioned that he borrowed a Canon 450d from his friends and learnt DSLR settings through magazines and via the internet. One year later, he made his first purchase and bought a Nikon D90, and has now upgraded his arsenal to include a Nikon D610.


After he graduated from his Diploma in Shipping Management at the Netherlands Maritime Institute, he decided to follow his dream that he had ever since high-school and explore the unexplored. And this is how his passion grew – he found people with similar interests and learnt from them; lighting, angles, camera settings.

“Over the past year, I have been jumped around a lot between events, lifestyle, music, and street photography – the best thing for me was to go to the streets. I can meet musicians, different types of people, photograph buildings and stunning architecture – just anything I would love to shoot.”

Panjang continued to state to us that his most favourite photographs to take is of architecture and of people passing by. “It is such a great satisfaction to shoot and capture original expressions of people that can’t be found another time”.

So far, Panjang has been involved in many local projects such as the Tempatan Fest Nation Tour, Bunkface Photoshoot, local and even Indonesia clothing brand photoshoots. Not to mention music event photography, and even had the chance to photoshoot the new album cover for OAG, coming out soon.



photographer photography taufiqnadzri the marksmen series