
We Dare You To Play “Sara Is Missing”!

  • By Fazlur Redza
  • Dec 7
  • 0

An eerie and thrilling game that banks on realism as opposed to superficial graphics to reel in casual gamers and horror buffs alike, Sara is Missing (SIM) has you invading the contents of a cell phone you’ve happened upon in an attempt to locate its missing owner, the titular Sara.

This is an inexpensive mobile diversion that’s very firmly a horror story, and its gameplay elements are intuitive enough that’s its easy for anyone to pick up and play… barring those that hate horror with a passion, of course.

In the game, you’ll scour through Sara’s e-mails, messages, videos and pictures, receive calls, chat with people, and try to piece together corrupted data with the assistance of the phone’s A.I. Along the way, you’ll slowly develop an understanding of the kind of person Sara is, all the while heading steadily closer to what is likely a horrific conclusion. Keep in mind that in the game you can’t just search for one term that reveals all of the video clips at once, letting you essentially cheat your way to victory once you figure everything out.

The ‘mobile invasion’ concept is rather novel and is enough to set it apart from other games of the same genre. If you’re itching for a nice little diversion that’s imbued with a little bit of thrills and scares, you should definitely check this one out.

You can get Sara is Missing now on Itch for Windows, Mac, and Android.

Game horror Sara Is Missing SIM