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A brand founded by local skaters Yuki Miyasaka and Aqif Haziq. Established in 2008, and finally after 5 years of planning they are ready to come out of their cave and into our world. Like artist who take pride in their work, the concept behind the brand is to use clothing as a message to our society, while looking good in it at the same time. They had previously released a few pieces in the past years which are featured in the images below, but only to friends and family and that is why the brand has been on the low for all these years.
Yuki took the liberty of explaining why the logo of the brand is a Fox, “A fox is an animal who studies its prey for months and then decides to hunt for the best timing, which shows an animal that instinctively pay attention to details. The brand aims to be just like that”. There still isn’t much information on the brand just yet, but from what we were told, the brand will be launching a collection real soon. So stay tune.