Written by Andrea Tang
Small bags are making big waves as the one of the trendiest bags ever since French luxury brand Jacquemus first revived the trend three years ago. From luxury brands like Prada and even Longchamp to streetwear brands like Carhatt and BAPE, small bags can be seen on the runways and the streets.
This begs the question, why are small bags even coming back in trend?
Back in the early 1900s, ladies carried small bags as they were considered to be a symbol of elegance and wealth. In a way, it still is a status symbol today to a certain extent. Carrying a small bag also feels freer, literally taking the weight off your shoulders. Minimalism is also a huge thing, and having a small bag makes you carry and worry less.
Practicality is not the deciding factor of this trend, but rather a way to add a little (pun intended) quirkiness to your outfit.
You’ve got a small bag, but how do you make the best out of its tiny storage space?
Here are 7 tips for you to best utilise your small bags:
Only Bring The Essentials

Essential items vary from person to person. Some people need to bring a hand sanitiser out, others might need to bring headphones. In any case, narrow it down to the things you absolutely need. Any “just in case” items that you may not need can be left at home.
Opt For Smaller Pouches Or Wallets

Switch your big and chunky wallets to something sleek and compact like cardholders. Since we’re also living in a digital era, physical cash is not as important as it used to be. Just bringing your credit or debit cards will do the trick!
Plus, it also helps you to minimise the amount of stuff you store in them.
Get Rid Of Cards That You Don’t Use Often

You don’t need all those membership cards, gift cards, and loyalty cards in your bag. Instead, leave them in your car or keep in mind which brands do not require you to present a physical card.
Don’t Hoard Receipts In Your Bag

Receipts are important, yes, but that doesn’t mean you should leave them to swim around in your bag.
Instead, take the receipts out of your bag once you get home. Store and organise the ones you want to keep in a container, and throw away those you don’t need.
Play Tetris With Your Things

Sadly, you can’t just dump all your things in a small bag and go. But if you love a good game of tetris, then organising your things in a small bag would be fun for you! Plus, it also helps you to stay organised.
Use Different Small Containers To Store Your Things

Use different compact containers you would’ve never thought of to store your things. Some great examples would be using a contact lens case for your everyday pills or using your glasses case to store your cables!
Clean Out Your Bag Regularly

Make sure you take the time to clean out your bag. Practise taking out the things you don’t need and putting in the things that you do according to the occasion. For example, bringing along your powerbank if you’re going to be out for the whole day and leaving it at home if you’ll only be out for a couple of hours.
Now, you don’t have to worry about stuff overflowing out of your small bag with these tips!
Tell us, what are some other tips you guys have?