
Of Collaborating With Malaysians, Eroticism, And Putting Humping Rabbits Besides Leica’s Logo: A Chat With #FR2’s Ryo Ishikawa

  • By Nabil Kamal
  • Nov 1
  • 3
Written by Nabil and Eve

Special thanks to Suzuki-san for translating the conversation. This interview is condensed and refined from the original transcript for easier understanding.

Ryo Ishikawa is a unique character. When we first greeted him when he sat beside his pop-up with his wife, he was equally as meek as we were; but a smiled was etched throughout his face as we were escorted to the cafe in Isetan, The Japan Store. An iced latte on his hand with another Starbucks latte on the other, we all shared some light chatter, as he settles down into his chair. Before we even begun the interview, he already had a lot to share to us, making for a few hilarious anecdotes, a reflection of someone who just loves doing what he does, and nothing more.

Most of your lookbooks are shot in cities like Japan and HK. Have you ever thought of venturing into western countries since FR2 is recognisable there?

We look back towards World War 2. During this time, all the Japanese people were looking towards the West, America and Europe basically, that still holds true to this day. They’re beautiful places no doubt, but what I wanted to do with #FR2 was that I wanted to change that mindset.

Japan in itself is also a very unique place, and I wanted to highlight this in whatever I do. That’s why I try to prioritise Japan first; I think because of a strong sense of identity and nationality I would say! Hahahaha.

But these days, #FR2 has gotten more and more famous, and a lot of European companies and brands want to collaborate. I’ll do it, but it has to be under my own rules, nothing else.

Will you have a collection or lookbook featuring Malaysia’s scene and girls?

Well, before this, I’ve never had a chance to collaborate with anyone here in Malaysia. But the market here is a unique one, and if I have another chance, I would very much want to do so!

Are all the lookbooks shot and directed by yourself?

Yes. You can say that I’m horrible at delegating. Hahahaha. Usually when it comes to lookbooks, I will direct, shoot, design, because I trust my own abilities and am in control of everything. I think if #FR2 were to be passed to someone else, the branding might be muddled up.

Of course, when it comes to this sort of scale, I can’t be separated like a ninja! You know? So I’ve decided that each prefecture in Japan has their own #FR2 certified cameraman, who knows the direction, and vision of the brand inside and out, so it’s easy to control. 

What do you think of the irony when smokers wear the “Smoking Kills” tee? 

We gotta break it down to the basics for this one. So you see with #FR2, communication is non-verbal, rather, it is by photos. Pictures are worth a thousand words and so on and so forth, so photos, despite not having any words whatsoever, can be spoken and felt globally.

So people feel this irony when they wear the “Smoking Kills” t-shirt, because to them, it’s cool. A shirt that states the obvious, yet he gives no shits about the warning. And this sort of not giving a fuck attitude resonates with a lot of people, so it practically speaks for itself. It’s all part of my master plan. Hahahaha.

With your love for Leica, do you plan on working on a collaborative project with the brand?

Oh, I’d love to, definitely. But you see there’s a slight problem. Leica has branded itself very professionally, a prestige brand almost, so if we were to put Fxxking Rabbits or a picture of rabbits humping by their logo, it may not spell well for the brand.

But if they’re okay with it, then I’d definitely be on board!

And this is not the first time however, because we’ve had other brands also who are apprehensive about collaborating even after we’ve shaken hands and sealed the agreement. To put it this way, it’s like when a boy asks a girl, ‘hey, can I be your boyfriend?’ and then leaving after a few days because he changes his mind!

But in this new era, we have to adapt. We cannot rely on collaborations too much, and we have to build that fanbase first, because who knows one day, someone who works at Leica may become a fan of us, and we’ll finally get to see that collaboration happening!

Other than “smoking kills” and eroticism, are there other things that you want to bring to the brand’s aesthetic?

I think I want to go towards art, and focus more on it. Eroticism is especially intriguing to me because it is kind of a taboo, but when done correctly, it can be a beautiful form of art. It’s quite difficult to describe, but making art is the goal. Eroticism is just one of the mediums that I’m using to express it.

What are the qualities that you can draw from eroticism that resonates with your brand image?

The qualities that are only exclusive to men and exclusive to women, more so in terms of physicalities. The gap between these physical differences, wanting to have what the others couldn’t, I’d like to think of it as eroticism, and in that gap is where the art begins. For me at least.

What is the most enjoyable experience or greatest achievement you had with FR2 so far?

I think advancing in the world of photography itself is my greatest achievement so far with the brand. I started out in photography, then after that design, then sewing and making clothes and accessories as merchandise. And it makes me happy to see people use high end brands like Leica and attach the #FR2 camera strap onto it. But in the end, just photographing things that I like along with my friends is what gives me the greatest joy.

Who are some of your photographic inspirations?

I get this question a lot, but I don’t exactly have a specific answer for it. There is no idol I look up towards to. I just do what I like, and I enjoy what I do, so that’s that.

What is your favourite streetwear brand ?

My brand. I’m the biggest fan of my brand! #FR2 is the best. Hahahhaa.

Where do you see FR2 in 5 years?

Probably not the same as now. I’m not willing to be the same person I was now. This success is only because what I’m doing is currently aligned with what the global market is interested in. I may be doing something else in the next 5 years, but if the market is not on my side, then we gotta change. At the end, it’s what the customer wants, if the customer wants something else, then we’ll have to cater towards that.


The #FR2 X Isetan The Japan Store collaboration items are available to purchase in the pop-up on Ground floor by the main entrance.

#fr2 eroticism fr2 x isetan fucking rabbits isetan isetan the japan store kills rabbits ryo ishikawa smoking kills