Mohd Asri started making leather goods as a hobby, then he took orders from friends and family. Founded in 2011, Asri made his hobby into a small business and Field Trip was born. In April of 2012, he invited his friend, Shalahudin, to join his venture. Field Trip started to bloom as people recognised their products stocked at The Goods Co. at The Bee. Asri thought for a bit and decided, “Why not make it as a part-time job?” Being one of the few handmade leather product makers in Malaysia, Field Trip has since made a mark.
Inspired by US, Field Trip’s leather goods are produced by hand using American manufacturing traditions with domestically sourced materials. “We are inspired by our beloved country. And then here are we, a small team of craftsman trying to inspire others. Its all about our passion,” says Asri.
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