
Hustler 3D by TNTCO Detailed Look

  • By JR
  • Jan 27
  • 1

“Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle”, this is a quote by Abraham Lincoln which is also the motto of the brand TNTCO. They released the Hustler Long Sleeve tee previously featuring a hustler in town (Cloakwork) to pay tributes to all hustlers. To continue implementing the idea, the new Hustler 3D collection is released. This time they featured another Hustler in town, who is the founder of a local brand Maximunity called Tallen Thong . They used the idea of 3d movie to do the graphic design, so if you are looking at the shirt without a 3d glasses you will feel dizzy which brings out the message that even you are a hustler, if you don’t look at the society clearly you will be confused or even scammed by people around you. They want to tell all hustlers in town to have a clear vision and be cautious about everything around them. Check their Instagram (@trinnitclothing) for more details about their latest updates.