Tallen came up with the brand name, Maximunity, by combining MAXI and HUMANITY. That name used to be his Tumblr account’s name, which he then started a clothing label with it. The name was derived from the lack of Human Rights in our times and especially in our country, whereby he plans to use his brand to become a movement, a mindset, an attitude, or a way of life and to change it.
With that in mind, the brand’s latest release which is the “Tiger Camo” capsule collection has a pretty deep meaning to it. Many of us in Malaysia have a lot of complaints about our system, our society, or our government and how much unfairness and inequality that is happening right now, that we are prone to assumptions and stereotypes and we do not see the good people or the unsung heroes that are actually contributing to our society. For example, if you encounter a roadblock, what is the first thing that comes to mind? “CARI MAKAN” or are they really doing their job?
So the subtle message of this release is that many of this contributors have been “camouflaged” not by what they wear, but by the way we think and how we judge them and that whenever someone wears this products they will always remember to respect everyone and don’t judge.
The release comprises of a hoodie, a jacket and a short which is all printed in tiger camo motives. Get in touch with Maximunity through their Facebook page if you wanna get your hands on the release.