A group of fixed gear enthusiast got together and formed their own posse of fixie peeps called Mayhem Troopers Fixed Gear back in 2010. Based out of Shah Alam, they would do weekly cycle meetups and soon enough, the group were looking into something that would identify themselves as a part of the group. What more easier way to do that than to print t-shirts for the group. The first print was a pretty big hit not only among the fixie community, but to the general public too.
Fast forward to 2013, the brand is still very much involved in the fixed gear community, but they have a significant increase of followers outside of the fixed gear community, which pretty much says that their clothes have still been killing it since 2010. Below are more images of their latest release, so if you are looking to score some Mayhem, they do not have any Facebook page, cause they cool that way, but you can get in touch with them through their website.