
MindFuck : INDVDLTY Tee

  • By Shawn Tan
  • Dec 16
  • 0

The MindFuck Apparel Co. is a brand which strongly signifies individuality A.K.A INDVDLTY and encourages the youngster to pursue individuality without getting affected by the negative words from the others. Now, the brand came out with the idea of featuring the ” All Seeing Eye” T-Shirt to speak about individuality. The design features 5 eyes and one of them in the middle is more distinct among them based on the color contrast which means to stand out among the rest. Besides that, their FMF logo has been split to two images and printed on both sides of the sleeve.  

We’ve been told that this collection has already sold out. However, due to the high demand of the buyers, this collection is now restocked and will be released in white instead of just black and grey during January 2014 together with some other new merchandises. Hit them up on their Facebook Page to pursue your INDVDLTY. 

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indvdlty lokalah mindfuck