The Chinese proverb says “十年树木, 百年树人”. For those of you who do not read Chinese, it means that it takes ten years to nurture a seedling into a tree, but it would take a longer time – literally hundreds of years to make a man of oneself. Taking their name Shurén (树人) (“Shu” meaning tree & “rén” meaning people / person) from the aforementioned proverb, Shurén Projects aims to grow as a seedling, though not so much in a biological sense, but as a metaphysical one.
The brand focuses on reworking classic menswear, adding ideas and their take on it along the way. Quality of the materials are also a key point for this brand. For example, in their latest collection release, the material used for their Hawaiian shirt is sourced from, well… Hawaii. From what we notice with this brand is that close attention is paid to details.
If any of you guys who wanna get to know more about the brand, head on over to their website or you can check their products out physically at The Off-Day.