If you’ve heard the song “N*ggas In Paris” in JayZ and Kanye’s collaboration album, “Watch The Throne”, you have probably heard the phrase “That Sh*t Cray” many times in the song, which made the ‘CRAY’ word a pretty well used word in peoples conversations for the next few months after the song dropped. While there isn’t a real word ‘CRAY’ in the English dictionary, the word is actually a short form slang for the word ‘Crazy’.
After we have established some foundation on the word ‘Cray’, let’s move on to this new brand called, Cray. The brand recently launched it’s first line of products yesterday at Kicks On, which consist of a t-shirt, oversized singlets and a collaborative cap between the brand and Chinese rap group, ManHand. Check out the images below to get a feel of the brand’s direction and add them up on their Facebook page for more upcoming info on their next releases.