
The Biggest Malaysian Independent Clothing Festival

  • By Bryan
  • Sep 26
  • 0

Rumored to be the BIGGEST independent clothing festival to date, Tempatan Fest 3.0 is just TEN days away. But the funny thing about most rumors is that it normally has a lot of truth in it. Well, when there are gonna be 118 local brands in one spot, who would dare to argue? There will also be 25 bands performing on that day which includes some pretty “OTAI” names in the line up like Flop Poppy, Sub Culture and Kugiran D’ Tepi Pantai.

The festival is seen to be really living up to it’s name of being “tempatan”, by fusing our many different local scenes together into one spot. Be sure to mark your calendar for the 5th and 6th of October if you wanna get a taste of local-ness. Below is the official flyer of the event, check out to see if recognize any of your favorite brands.


lokalah tempatan fest tempatan fest 3.0