Today is shaping out to be a “The Swagger Salon-Thursday” with the previous post on LowyatTV’s video on them, plus together with this preview of their upcoming 2014 second quarter collection. This time round, the preview is the real deal instead of their April Fool’s stunt they did with they apparent collaboration with Gildan. Whoever bought that prank, we don’t blame you. It’s ok.

For their coming collection, we see the brand going with pretty vibrant colours this time round and also with more graphics. Our personal fav would be the cocky tee, because it’s the more polite and English-er way to say LANSI. We’ve been told that the collection previewed here is only about half of the whole collection so stay tune to this space once we get more news. In the meantime, take a look at pics below.
We are still awaiting news on the exact date that The Swagger Salon will be releasing their new collection, but from what we’ve been told it will most probably sometime mid of this month. Stay tune!