
5 Best Shows To Binge On Netflix Right Now

  • By Nabil Kamal
  • Jan 13
  • 1

Written by Aqil Nasri 

Say it’s the weekend, and you don’t have anything to do. You’re too lazy to go out and be social with anyone right now. So, instead, you decide to order in, wear that comfy sweatpants that you always do, and turn on Netflix for a session of binge-watching. But wait, you flip and flip between different shows, you still have no idea what the heck you’re going to watch. The foods getting cold, and the night’s not getting any younger. 

If you’ve somehow stumbled across this article, then you’ve come to the right place my friend! Below are my top 5 best shows that I recommend anyone to watch.


1) Sex Education

You won’t find a raunchier and bare-it-all opening scene other than Sex Education. The show purposely opens with two teens having awkward and clearly unsatisfying sex. In a way, this thematically explains to us what the overall show is about (humans and their sex lives). The show stars the very gawky Otis (Asa Butterfield) as he trudges through high school while having some personal problems of his own (he can’t masturbate). To top it all off, his mother (Gillian Anderson) is a sex therapist, which just adds the irony for Otis.

Personally, the whole show is a refreshing take on teenage drama, and it takes a serious but comedic approach to how teenagers are coping with this weird time in their lives. Also, Season 2 of Sex Education is just around the corner (January 17) so what better time to binge-watch this show other than now.


2) Black Mirror

The sci-fi series first started on Channel 4, but it garnered immense worldwide reputation after appearing on Netflix. Created by Charlie Brooker and Annabel Jones, Black Mirror is an anthology of what could go wrong when technology’s too advanced to the point where it can potentially go awry for everyone involved. The dark underlying tone of the series can really mess with audiences sometimes, as the events being portrayed are not too far from reality.

Currently, there are 5 seasons on air, plus an interactive movie called Bandersnatch available on Netflix. If it’s your first time ever watching the show however, I suggest you initially skip the first episode of the first season. Go and watch the rest first, then come back to watch the first episode. You’ll thank me later.


3) Living with Yourself

Who doesn’t know Paul Rudd right? You know, the guy who featured on Friends for a while and is literally the Ant-Man? Okay, so now, imagine that there’s two of him at once.

This quirky comedy shows what happens if a guy decides to go to a shady spa and clone himself. Miles (Paul Rudd) has to literally compete with Miles (also played by Paul Rudd), who’s more perfect than the original Miles in almost every way. The show is hilarious in every sense of the word, but it also manages to maintain a sense of suspense as audiences will have trouble deciding which Miles to root for.


4) The Good Place 

Upon first glance, I didn’t know what to make of this show. I thought to myself, “It’s a show about a girl who died and went to heaven? How good can it be?” Well, was I wrong in understating the brilliance of The Good Place, as the show has personally proven to me why it’s a must watch series for anyone out there. This comedy series is probably one of the best shows to ever come out on TV since recent years. Kristen Bell is supremely brilliant as an ignorant lady who deservedly don’t belong in Heaven, but somehow got mistakenly got sent there. Ted Danson also carried his weight, as he was a really good addition to the show.

5) The Witcher

Netflix’s latest TV series is currently making waves all across the world, even dethroning the sensation Disney+ hit, The Mandalorian, to take the spot as one of the most viewed TV series right now. Based on Andrzej Sapkowski famous The Witcher novels, the series follows Geralt of Rivia (Henry Cavill) as he makes his living as a monster hunter throughout the world. The overarching plot of the series ties-in closely with the novels, so this makes the series true to life as envisioned by the original creator.  

Andrzej Sapkowski binge watch Black Mirror Henry Cavill Kristen Bell Living with yourself Mike Flanagan netflix Paul Rudd Sex Education Ted Danson The Good Place The Mandalorian The Witcher