As you recall, one Instagram account has been actively calling out celebrities and instafamous people flexing on their fake brands, and subsequently gained overnight fame as more and more people are hounding to get in on the juice of who’s currently repping the hottest fake item right now.

Unfortunately, Streetwearbustamy has gotten a lot of heat overnight, not helped also by missing a few marks and getting counter-called by celebrities who are fuming at the account’s false accusations. Syed Safiq (ig: imsyedsafiq) fired back at the account in full fury, after a false accusation that his Gucci Embroidered Brogues were fake. The end result then, after many reports, the account has been shutdown.
Or so we thought.
Apparently another account has surfaced, continuing the previous work of the closed account. Whilst searching, we also found another 2 accounts in similar name. Is this the legit one? We’ll never know. Regardless, we think this kind of work should be kept up, and come on, infringing other people’s copyright is already wrong as it is, so why would you proudly show it off? Let’s keep the scene clean for the rest of us.