
The Marksmen Series: @huxsterized

  • By Yasmeen Costelo
  • Dec 28
  • 0

iPhone photography has opened a new universe for photographers. Ahady Rezan goes by the name @huxsterized on Instagram, is one of the iPhone users who delved into photography using their everyday smartphone. His minimalistic, fun yet colourful shots have garnered a total of 82k followers who follow the beautiful trips he captures along the way. Based in Kuala Lumpur, Ahady is a Graphic Designer for fifteen years now who works part-time as a Real Estate Agent. He started iPhone photography in late 2013 when the perspective of lines caught his attention. He discovered the convenience and elements of the iPhone camera to use for his minimalistic photos. As a family man, his wife, son and daughter are his muses for photography hence they appear a lot on his Instagram feed.

Why did you choose to shoot with iPhone instead of a DSLR?

I always have my iPhone with me so I can shoot whatever I see, and it comes in handy with all the editing apps that I have on it. I started with my iPhone 4, as a self-taught, I explore the tips and trick to get the best output with an iPhone. I love the freedom I get with iPhone. Honestly, I have thought of switching to DSLR or the now Mirrorless camera but the time hasn’t come yet. I guess I am so used to flexibility on iPhone, the size, and the convenience. Plus now the camera keeps getting upgraded better each time!

Any important tips on shooting with iPhone?

Be experimental, iPhone camera gets better nowadays and with the flexibility of the size, go wild. Try multiple angles, try a different style, eventually, you will find your own style. Search youtube/google to learn awesome tips, you will be surprised how a simple tip like always clean your iPhone lens before you take photos can make a lot of difference.

“In the end, iPhone is just a tool. It is all about your idea and how you see your surroundings.”

How do you normally edit your photos and what photo apps do you use?

It’s all on my iPhone. Shot all my photos with iPhone native camera and edit with few apps. My favourite would be SKRWT for lens correction and Snapseed for colour enhancement. I don’t do an extensive edit on my photos, always remain minor edits because to me the most important in my photography style is the composition. Sometimes I also use PS Express for noise reduction.

Would you say lines and patterns is your signature style in photography?

Yes! I love finding beauty in ordinary things during everyday life. I love colours, lines, shapes, and playing with negative space. My eyes are drawn to these elements. When captured the right composition, these simple elements can turn into a great piece of art.

Colours are a major part of your pictures, when is appropriate to use monochrome?

I love colours, and I think my feed will always be colourful. Don’t get me wrong, I love Black & White photos especially with high contrast and great composition, black & white shots are rare because it doesn’t suit my feed.

Texture and dimension into your background of your photos. How difficult is it to work with shadows and light?

It all comes down to the weather. I love to go out during a hot day to get the chances to play with shadows and light. Both of these elements add so much value to a photo if you compose your shot right. This is where I can experiment using the technique to capture them with my iPhone. Get your model to play with shadows lighting. Do different poses and make use of that light and shadow because it won’t last for long.

Do you learn composition techniques for better photo taking?

I am a self-taught photographer. I have never attended any photography class. I guess as a Graphic Designer, I tend to have an eye for composition, my skills grow as I further my journey as a photographer. When I see an interesting wall, I always try to imagine the shots first then I will try to execute it.

“Everyone should try to train their eyes to see the beauty in your surrounding, “It’s not about what you see, but how you see it” – @serjios

How do you decide whether to put a subject in the frame or not? How does the subject compliment the picture?

I like to have human presences in my photos to compliment the background/walls in terms of scale and drama. Human presence creates emotion. It helps to tell a story and connect the viewer with the image. A subject also used to achieve a strong composition element, which this is also to compliment the use of negative space, colours, line, shadows or textures. This is very important in minimal photography style. Most of the time I don’t have a model, so I would improvise with objects, for example, traffic cones, old tyres, dustbin, bottle or anything that suits the wall/background. This is a big challenge actually, to turn the ordinary into extraordinary.

How much research do you put in to find these interesting places?

Most of the places that I shot are found by random. We wandered a lot during weekends, my family and I will just drive and hunt for awesome walls. It is not easy to find, but it doesn’t stop me from exploring. We also have friends informed us when they stumble upon awesome walls. We are blessed with awesome friends on Instagram and real life!  Sometimes I use Google street too. Even though it’s not up to date, but it helps to see the surrounding – how big is the wall, how is the traffic there, lights play an important role.. so I sometimes check the weather status and the placement of the building so that I know when the perfect lighting would be to shoot.

Follow the beautiful spots @huxsterized stumble upon on.

huxsterized marksmen series