Its that time of the year again where we look back at the year that has just passed us by and we evaluate it, make new new year’s resolutions and procrastinate about achieving that resolution, and repeat it next year. For us, we try to be different. How? We usually aim for bigger and better things, like eating better food and achieving a bigger weight class! LOL. Anyways, it is that time of the year we look back at the year that has passed us by, and list down some of the highlights and top happenings of the year. The good, the bad, the dumb, the smart, anything actually.
Visit Malaysia Year 2015 “Year of Festivals” (That Never Happened)
Continuing from last year’s effort in 2014 to promote Malaysia’s endless celebrations of festivals, events and happenings, and to make Malaysia as the “top-of-the-mind” tourist destination, and to also encourage tourist to stay longer in the country to enjoy the festival offerings, the Malaysian government launched Visit Malaysia Year 2015 “Year of Festivals”. BUT, the problem here is that this year, which is also the same as 2014, and 2013, Malaysia has witness another disappointing year of festival, concert, and gig cancellations. Metal band Carcass’ gig, THIRST, Robbie Williams, DJ Cash Cash, Kreator, Showtek, and Soulfest to name a few. The cancellations were caused by various reasons like police raids, last minute visa cancellations, irresponsible organizers, JAKIM, you name it, the list of reasons is quite long. We hope and pray that next year will be nicer to all music concert / festival goers.
It’s Been a Yeezy Year
You can’t deny the fact that this year has been a Yeezy-filled year. adidas and Kanye released the 750 boost earlier in the year, and cramped 5 other releases in the second half of the year, the latest one being the “Oxford Tan” 350 boosts that was just launched few days before the year ends. The “Oxford Tan” saw at least 1000 people, waiting for their ballot papers to be called on a working Tuesday afternoon! We figured there must be quite a lot of MCs and annual leave taken that day. The adidas x Yeezy releases have caused quite a stir in the scene, and have hyped things up to almost a frenzy. Non-sneakerheads are also jumping on the bandwagon just because of the sheer resale value of the shoe and how fast it sells out. You see mothers, fathers, young kids, grand mothers, heck even foreign workers were deployed by resellers to try and get their hands on a pair.

Nope, we’re not trying to blow our own horns, but you can’t deny the fact that SneakerLAH was one hell of a sneaker convention. With a turn out of about 18,000 strong, participated by various international brands, and the attendance of various celebrities ( Nabil Raja Lawak, Noh Salleh, Mizz Nina, TTFGA, Fairuz Ramdan, etc), the convention managed to cash in a total sales of about a quarter million Ringgit from all the vendors. Not bad for a first try eh? Definitely looking forward for next year’s SneakerLAH.
Just in case you missed out on the recap of the event, check out the video below, or click here to view the pictures.
The Anthem of the Year Goes to the GST Song
This is self explanatory. If you have been living under a rock the past year, check the video out below and don’t forget to sing along.
Parody of the Year: Appo
Following the tragedy that erupted between a buyer and a Oppo handphone salesman in Low Yat Plaza, which eventually led to a massive brawl the next day, the incident had cause quite a commotion on social media. And the spread of false news on social media had led to racial tension and cause a mob meet outside the mall. The mob attacked random people on the street, and even injuring a journalist pretty badly. Low Yat Plaza was closed for business for a few days, while neighbouring businesses were forced to closed to avoid the angry mob that were camped out in front of Low Yat Plaza. But there was one particular person / company that made full use of this situation to their advantage by doing a parody of the Oppo logo, and tweaked into “APPO” with the sub-head, “KONO EH JANG…”, which is a dialect from Negeri Sembilan that simply means “what is up with you bro?”
Definitely one of our most favourite parody t-shirts for the year.

Datuk Nicole David Made History
Yes I know that we usually don’t really cover sports, but when a fellow Malaysian has made the country proud and put us on the map for being number 1, it is definitely something to share. Datuk Nicole David made history by becoming the longest-reigning World No. 1 squash player ever. She is considered to be one of the greatest female squash players of all time, and no one would dare argue that fact because she was number 1 for a total of 112 months and 109 consecutive months! Pretty insane feat from our very own squash queen.

Well that is all we have for you this year! We hope you enjoyed the list, and on behalf of everyone here at MASSES, I would like to wish all of you a happy new year!