You know the saying “third time’s a charm”? Well we hope our third issue will be the most charming one yet! I know I know, that saying is being taken out of context here, but you get the gist of what I’m trying to say. As charming as we would like it to be, this issue’s theme has nothing charming related to it because this issue is all about “SURVIVAL”.
We took a short camping trip up Gunung Nuang in Ulu Langat, the highest and toughest peak in Selangor, to put our fitness level and survival skills to the test. With the cost of living constantly on the increase, urban survivability is getting harder. So we took a trip to the bundles of Kuala Lumpur to learn how to swag out below a hundred ringgit. We also dedicated a part of our ‘Food’ section to street food vendors, because these vendors represent the word “survival” in so many ways. Everything is kept to a basic minimal, the size of their store makes them very flexible, and that also helps them become very adaptable to different situations.
For our main feature, we wanted to shine the spotlight on individuals who are constantly hustling, constantly pushing themselves, adapting and changing to the current times, and constantly finding ways to stay on top in their own unique way. Since the beginning of MASSES, we have always been big supporters of the Local Streetwear Scene, and we thought what better way to show our support then to pay homage to these individuals in the scene by telling their life stories and the lessons they have learned along the way.
Surviving your day job, surviving your exams, surviving to be accepted, surviving to stay relevant, surviving to stay hyped, surviving to pay rent, or just surviving to put food on the table. Every one of you who are reading this are also survivors in your own way, whether we know it or not. That is why, we hope this issue not only serves as an inspiration to you, but as a motivation to go beyond just surviving.