
The New Year Resolutions That Never Made It

  • By Julian Leong
  • Dec 28
  • 0

We are all well aware that 2017 is coming to an end but before we end the year, let’s rewind back a little to the beginning, the times when we made new year resolutions that we were all so keen to fulfill because this year was going to be ‘different’. Here’s a list of new year resolutions that never came true:

Save Money

As we were entering 2017, we start to realize how much money we’ve spent in 2016 when it comes to shopping, bad habits or anything related to our hobbies. This sudden realization leads to becoming a resolution telling (or lying) ourselves that the resolution for the year would be to save money by cutting corners and today, ask yourself if you have really achieved it? The number of concerts, massive shopping sales, the never-ending bad habits, and more, definitely have destroyed your resolutions making you wonder to yourself, what really happened to your self-control. All in all, with the epic failure this year, will this be your resolution next year?

Lose Weight / Get Fit

We know you smiled a little when you read this resolution because this probably is one of the tougher resolutions to fulfill with our busy schedules at work or just studying for better grades. Some of you may have been able to pick yourself up and bring yourself to the gym a few times, run some of the evenings, pick up a sport and even eat healthier but we can bet that many of you did the stated but ended up with ‘Tomorrow for sure’. The amount of guilty pleasures, to-die-for Malaysian cravings that open for 24 hours, and the cloudy weather that gives you a reason to call a raincheck to sleep in, definitely got in your way to be a better, fitter you. As every year passes, we do get older and we strongly suggest you to consider starting with the ‘eating healthier’ option if this is your resolution (again) for next year.

Be Punctual

You’d be surprised by the number of people who actually made this a resolution due to their bad time management. Malaysia, the land of jams on the road, the public transport that never makes it on time, the alarm clock that ‘never’ rang, and the mindset of ‘I rather be late than early’ of Malaysians did not make it easy for us to fulfill this resolution. This resolution is especially popular among Malaysians because there is such thing as ‘Malaysian timing’ where every Malaysian use to defend themselves whenever they are late. This resolution also exists due to over usage of the famous ‘I’m on the way’ excuse where this excuse reaches a point of no return that leaves us no choice but to be punctual. However, this resolution will be vital in the future when it comes to your career, first impressions or even chasing the girl/guy of your dreams so before you cross this resolution off for 2018, think wisely.

Find Love

We believe that love comes when you least expect it, but for some, love, they are out to get you. This resolution is meant for all the singles out there, unsure if affected by ‘cuffing season’ (Google it), but these people are single and ready to mingle. We can only wish the best to everyone with this resolution that they will find their soulmate within that year itself because most of us know that love really comes by chance (the ones that last) without bumping into any golddiggers or douchebags along the way. We would like to kindly remind that this resolution is only encouraged for singles unless your partners are agreeable to polygamy.

Stop Procrastinating

Everyone knows this resolution is almost impossible to fulfill when your friends are always actively planning hang out sessions, when you are a tab away from watching all the viral videos on Youtube, another tab away from your favorite memes, and when online shopping is just a few clicks away. We always think that time is on our side, ending up procrastinating and further on regretting when we all rush for that deadline. However, you should not feel bad about yourself because we are confident that most ended up the same way but if you were more productive that year, consider yourself successful.

Stop A Bad Habit

A bad habit is very subjective to every individual but it could range from cursing, smoking, fidgeting, all the way to being too calculative. We all have that theory of ‘New Year, New Me’ in our minds, telling ourselves confidently that we want to stop that bad habit that you ‘think’ you should stop. After going through the entire year, you only find yourself getting deeper into the bad habit or just being the same person from the year before but it is always better late than never. We condone this resolution as we fully support being your better self even though old habits die hard.


Let us know what resolutions you have failed to fulfill this year and the upcoming resolutions that you are preparing to commit in 2018.


2018 bad habits fit fitness habit lose weight love money new year procrastinate procrastination punctual relationship resolutions time weight