Undoubtedly one of the biggest Alternative Post Hardcore band in Malaysia, Tres Empre is set to end their album tour this weekend with their ANTAGONIST showcase happening this weekend at Publika. That is why we decided to meet them with them at a cosy little jamming studio in Kelana Jaya called Auguste Studios to have a little seat down with them and talk about their journey in writing the album, the problems they faced in the music scene, and who gets bullied the most in the band. Read all about it in the interview below!
Alright, just to kick things off, I’m sure you’ve been interviewed many times before this right? So what is the most annoying question you guys normally get?
Eddie: Man, that’s a good question…. Let me think.
Masrour: I know I know! “How did the name Tres Empre” came about.
Eddie: Owh yeah, we always get asked that question.
Alright, so what is the meaning of Tres Empre and how did you guys came up with it? LOL
Masrour: Since I am the newest member of the band, I shall try to answer this question. “Tres” means third in Spanish, and “Empre” is a word Eddie came up with for Empire. So basically it means the third empire. Why? Because before this, the rest of the band wanted to start a band, but failed twice and this is their third one. So that is why it is called Tres Empre.
So coming to the album “Antagonist”, what is the whole direction behind the album and what is it about?
Eddie: Personally for me, this album signifies a total change in the band’s direction. It’s more emotional, it’s more rebellious and it’s more personal. The political landscape, the happenings around the world, the people around you, and life that you’re living in. All these things affect you and that is what this album is about.
So Eddie, is it safe to say that you’re a really emotional person? The kind that has a “taman di dalam hati” type?
Masrour: All rock stars are like that. The more rock star they are, the bigger the “taman” is in their hearts! LOL
Eddie: Yeke?
Marous: Yala, you see all the big rock stars, the moment they break up with their GF’s, the write a super good song or produce a super good album.
So how do you guys start your writing process?
Eddie: Usually it’s Azrul who comes up with the riffing and direction. Then the others will fill in their magic. After they are all done, then I will come in and fill in the lyrics and melodies.
So what is the hardest part about writing an album?
Masrour: I would say it is the melody. A bit of riffing, but generally it is the melody. Guitar melodies and vocal melodies.
Eddie: Besides the melody, the hardest part about it is agreeing on something together. LOL. And another important thing is to learn how to put a full stop to the work you’re doing. Sometimes you can take up to 3 months to finish recording a song, sometimes even longer. And in that period of time, your taste will change and you will want to keep changing things on the song, which is sometimes good, but if it’s done too many times, it’s not good also. You’ll never get the album done like that.
In Malaysia, most bands face the problem of commitment because a lot of them usually juggle the band and their full time jobs. Did you guys face this problem when producing this album?
Masrour: Surprisingly we did not face that problem though. I mean all of us were on the same page on this one. We were all passionate about the band, and we all wanted to finish the album. I work at pretty odd hours, sometimes I finish at 12am and then go for recording. So yeah, if you’re really passionate about something you will automatically commit.
So who gets bullied the most in the band?
Eddie & Bert: Masrour!
For real? But Masrour you’re the biggest in the band!
Masrour: Yeah I can beat them up physically, but verbally, these guys have the stupidest mouth ever. The two guitarists will tag team to get at me, and Eddie plus Bert will be at the sidelines either laughing while enjoying the show or they will join in and bully me at the same time. That’s the sucky part about being the newest member in the band.
Coming back to some serious business, what is the next step for the band?
Eddie: Definitely to release another album. Baz and Azrul have already started writing the next album. So we’re hoping it’ll be done soon and we’re looking forward to playing the Philippines sometime this year.
Since we’re still in the serious mode, what are your thoughts on the music scene?
Eddie: F*CKED UP!
Why? Most of us know it’s not really doing well, but why?
Eddie: well the most typical answer to this question would be to say that the scene is small but it is growing, and it looks promising. But for me, it is still growing, but there is a boundary and a wall that separates us. Punk is punk, metal is metal, pop is pop, English songs is for English scene, Malay songs for the Malay scene. There is no unity. We are so segregated.
Masrour: It’s growing, but each scene is growing individually, not together. And that sucks. Each scene is not working together. Everyone is doing their own thing.
Bert: I think it is still back to the mentality. Each has their own preference, and that is okay. Some people like nasi lemak and some don’t. That’s okay. But when you attend a show, please have an open mind towards the music. We’ve perform at other countries like Japan, and the people there have never heard of us, but they just “layan” only. It’s music man, it’s not rocket science, so you don’t have to be so uptight about it.

So, we always ask everyone we interview this question, if let’s say you got stopped by the police for speeding, would you “Tolong or Saman?” Must be honest ya guys!
Eddie: I work in Malaysia’s biggest media company, so usually they will let me go if I show them my work tag. LOL!! #WIN! But you should ask Bert, because he doesn’t have a license, but he still drives around.
Bert: I usually drive within the speed limit, so I rarely get stopped. But if I do get stopped, I won’t argue much and just take the ticket.
Masrour: I would just take the ticket. And after that go and appeal for a discount which would normally amount up to the same amount as paying a bribe.