Introduce yourself, and tell us something random that nobody knows.
My name is Wes, I have been skating for 18 years, since I was 6 years old. I was born in Japan, so that makes me somewhat Asian.
WOOT? What were you doing in Japan?
My dad had a job offer in Tokyo, so my parents shifted there and they were living there for about 2 years before I came about. The first 10 months of my life was spent in Japan, and after that it was San Diego all the way.
You’ve been skating for 18 years right? And that is a pretty long time, so is there any difference between the “normal” Wes Kremer when you first started out and the “current” Wes Kremer who currently rides for DC Shoes?
HAHAHA! I’m still trying to maintain “normal” Wes Kremer, you know? HAHAHA! But of coz when you deal with major companies they will try to make you into something you are not, but whatever. Personally I just wanna spread the word of skateboarding. I love meeting new people, going to new places, and seeing how everyone is so excited and hyped on skating is just a very nice experienced. So to me, the process just involves, literally, just hanging out with my mates and just skating. It’s been pretty much the same all the while.
You know how bands or singers have that one hit that made them go big, what would be that “wes Kremer” hit, or that moment which helped propel you to where are you today?
Honestly………. I don’t know. LOL! But I guess I got more attention after the TransWorld video came out. I go to the skatepark and people would come up to me and say “the transworld video is dope!”
What would be the best advice you have ever received?
I got this advice from my parents, and it has been the golden rule ever since, “treat everyone how you want to be treated. “
If let’s say money is not an issue, skateboarding aside, what would you be doing right now?
I would probably be in space. That was the first thing that came to my mind. I wanna be on the moon.
And lastly, any advice you wanna give to our Malaysian skaters?
Just keep skating. And don’t get too caught up with getting sponsored, or winning competitions, or getting known. Yeah that is all cool, but don’t lose track of why you started skating in the first place. Do it for the love of it. If one day you wake up you don’t feel like skating anymore, go and do something else. Just remember that skateboarding is not the only thing in the world.