On one fateful afternoon at Subang Jaya SS15, we sat down with the guys of Nusantara Denims for a chat, over some pretty dope peanut butter latte at Coffea Coffee. As usual, when ‘great’ minds get together, a whole lot of crap usually is spawned out from our conversations. But from all that rubbish that we talked about on that fateful afternoon, the best thing that came out of it, is this guide.
We would like to clarify upfront that this is not THE ultimate guide on how you should cuff your jeans, or how a particular pair of shoe should be matched with the cuffing, and that there are a lot of other cuffings that we did not feature here, but hey, it is a start.
The purpose of this guide is to help bridge the gap between the denim and the sneaker. A guide to help you match your sneakers to your jeans and vice versa. With the combination of the denim experts of Nusantara Denims and the shoe experts of MASSES (macam yes) and with the help of 2013 Cleo’s Most Eligible Bachelor of the Year , Nick Mak, we took denim+shoe porn to a whole new level.

First off, we would like to start off with the most common/popular cuff that is used worldwide, and that would be the single roll, or single cuff. Easiest cuffing ever, with only just one roll of the jeans and it shows off your selvedge denim if your are wearing one, and it easily matches most sneakers. The length of the cuff is also optional, which can be short or long. Depends on your preference.
Also another all time favorite among denim lovers is the double roll, which is a simple step of cuffing your jeans twice. Very universal, also pretty easy to pull off. Some people would prefer this over the single roll simply because it looks neater, being that the second cuff hides the hem of the jeans. Regardless, it is also another classic denim cuffing that is widely used and easily matches most sneakers.

The Skinny Roll:-
Many of you may see this as another form of the double roll, but the skinny roll does not just apply to 2 cuffs, it can be rolled as many times as one pleases, as long as the cuff is really short and slim. Those who do not like the big chunky cuffings would opt for this. Also another form of cuffing that easily matches most shoes, even high cut ones too.

The Pin Roll:-
This type of cuffings is very popular in Europe, as most of the sneakerheads there would be seen cuffing their denim in this manner. This type of cuffing was pretty popular in Malaysia back in the 90’s where there was a Hip-Hop craze and kids would wear their baggy pants with a cuffing like that. But nowadays, this type of cuffing is slowly gaining its momentum again and is making it’s way back into our local street fashion, but in a slightly different way which is a more straight or slimmer fit. As shown by the pictures below, it is most commonly paired with trainers, but can be also paired with other low cut shoes.

The Inner Roll:-
We still don’t quite understand the purpose of this roll, but apparently it is quite widely used in Malaysia. The only reason we can think of as to why someone would want to do a cuff like this would be that he/she is too lazy to get their jeans altered, OR maybe it’s the case of the mum who buys an extra long pair of jeans for her growing teenage child, and refuse to alter it thinking that her child will grow a couple of extra inches within the next few months. But with that said, we still featured this roll because it is a pretty common roll. The whole point of this roll is to cuff the jeans inward, usually one long cuff is done to achieve the desired length. But there is another alternative to this, which is to alter your jeans.

The No-Roll:-
Not much explanation needed for this roll, because there is none. In order to pull this look off properly, a slim/skinny fit jeans is needed which is mostly paired with a pair of high cut shoes. The whole purpose of this combination is that the jeans will be nicely tucked in inside the shoe. Would also like to point out that styles of tucking in may vary.

The Cyclist Roll:-
The aim for this cuff is to avoid getting chain grease on your jeans that typically sits next to the chain (Usually your right). The idea here is to use the same technique as the double roll, but keep going till you reach your desired height, usually past the dangerous area, or as an alternative, you may just roll the cuff a couple of times then slide it the rest of the way up your calf. This form of cuffing isn’t very popular in Malaysia, but there a number of people from specific scenes who do it, mainly the “fixie” and “dancing” scene.

The Cincai Roll:-
Don’t be fooled by the name of this roll, as easy as it sounds, it is not an easy cuff to execute. The whole point of this roll is to make it look sloppy, as though it was cuffed that way accidentally without any thought to it, but in order to achieve that, a few tries is required because it ain’t easy to look stylishly sloppy. I think the best phrase to describe this look would be “To find BEAUTY in CHAOS” (Hashtag Deep).

The Master Roll:-
The Master Roll is another way to do a double roll or the skinny cuff. The idea is to do one big roll upward first to achieve that preferred length that you want, and then proceed to cuff the hem from there. It’s a matter of preference, but is certainly a tidier option for those who are extra particular about getting that “JUST RIGHT” length for your cuffing.
The Malaysian Un-Roll:-
Since this website is all about being local, we decided that this roll was a must for us to feature as it is definitely THE MOST POPULAR roll, or ‘un-roll’, in Malaysia. Can’t deny the fact that no matter where you go in Malaysia, you will definitely see people donning their jeans in this manner that is mostly seen coupled with a pair of flip-flops. The purpose of this ‘un-roll’ would be to wear out the part of the jeans that is under your heel. That way you can truly show people that that pair of jeans is really worn out.

We hope that this guide has been truly helpful to all of you and if any of you guys have any questions regarding any of the cuffs shown here, or not shown here, just hit us up on the comments section, email us or just Facebook inbox us or the guys at Nusantara Denims. With that said, THANKS FOR READING!