Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of the Marksmen Series! We have been gone for awhile and we truly apologize for that but we have a totally good excuse for that. We were busy. LOL!
Anyways, this time around, we are featuring Shafiq Sani, aka @silent.unseen. Many of you may know him as the dude from at the Deciders Plus store, but what most of you guys don’t know is that he is a film photographer that specializes in Black & White photography. We recently caught up with him for a short interview as he prepares for his photography exhibition titled “Lost is Paradise” which takes place today till Saturday (1st – 4th June 2016).
When you’re lost, you won’t find yourself, but you’ll find God. And only from there will you find yourself.

First things first can you please introduce yourself, what do you do, and what do you do for fun besides photography? My name is Mohamad Shafiq Mohd Sani, 25years old. Currently based in Subang Jaya. I work as the Store Manager for Deciders Plus and when I’m not working or taking pictures, I just chill and skate.
How did you first get into photography? I guess I got interested in it because of my dad. He’s a full-time photographer for some talent agency back in the day, but my first experience was during my school trip 13 years ago, when my mother handed me her Yashica camera. After the trip, I came back with 3 rolls of exposed film. HAHA!

What kinda gear do you currently use? I use a NikonFM2 for my personal projects, a LeicaMini for my daily use and a Nikon D800 for my commercial work.
Which part of photography do you enjoy the most? There’s so many different things and different ways to enjoy photography because there’s so many types. That’s why I enjoy things differently in different scenarios. I enjoy doing street shots, or portraits of people, capturing the emotion of that moment. I also enjoy shooting skateboarding just for the sheer pleasure of capturing that moment when my friend lands his trick. And lastly, I love to shoot landscape shots, where the light, shadow and moment is just nice and to just be in awe of God’s creation.

Tell us more about the exhibition that you are doing? how did the idea of the exhibition came about? Have you heard of that phrase “in order to find yourself , you’ll need to get lost”? For me, I disagree with that quote. When you’re lost, you won’t find yourself, but you’ll find God. And only from there will you find yourself.
Why black and white pictures and not colour? I’m colour blind, there’s some colours I can’t see. And I save the colour version only for myself.
Who are your favourite local photographers? Ayul Rahman, Shah Azman,Fauzan Fuad and ImaginNadia
Can you let us in on what are your future plans?
This is the 1st series of the project. And I’m working on a video project called “Life;Error” which will be out sometime in August/September.
If you like Shafiq’s work, please feel free to follow him on his Instagram here and be sure to check out his photo exhibition happening from the 1st – 4th June 2016 at Stakes Shop in Bangsar.