When 2014 was ushered in just about a few weeks ago, we made some new year’s resolution for ourselves. One of it is to be more interactive with our readers and to have a 2 way communication between you all and us. So with 2014 already on it’s way, and with the Chinese New Year just round the bend, we thought we should really get to it.
WE WANT YOUR FEEDBACK! on what you may ask? on ANYTHING actually. What feature would you like the site to have? What content you would like to see more on the site? Who’s pet you think we should interview? Which mamak joint serves the best ‘roti canai’? Basically ANYTHING!
Tell us what you think at the comments section below, tweet us ( @massesmy ), Comment on our Instagram ( @massesmy ), comment on our FB page or just send us a FB msg , OR you can email us hello@masses.com.my. Till then, Happy Chinese New Year to everyone of you! May the year of the horse usher in many Ferrari’s for all of you.