
Horrible in the Kitchen? Enter #KitchenLife!

We Malaysians love our food. If someone were to ask any of us whether we actually just live to eat, we would most likely sweat puddles in an attempt to suppress our inner glutton from bursting belly first from its cage, bellowing “ABUDEN?!” in between mouthfuls of nasi lemak.

Though as much as we love shovelling servings of karipap, roti canai and pan mee (sometimes in succession) into our black hole of a stomach, some aren’t particularly adept at actually cooking delectable dishes ourselves. The kitchen can be a veritable nightmare if you are prone to making only scorched toast or seeing plumes of smoke emanating from the oven while attempting to bake something remotely edible.
If you’re a disaster in the kitchen, our homeboy Bryzoid and his good buddy Sufiz (who is also the owner of the Kulcats Barrio restaurant) could be your salvation in cooking. They recently started their own cooking channel on Youtube called #KitchenLife as a means to convey easy methods for cooking delicious meals. 
Their recently uploaded first video guides you on how to make a yummy roast chicken… using only 5 ingredients! Just lay back, watch it and then start cooking! If cooking tutorials or food videos are something you fancy, definitely keep an eye out for more videos from this duo in the future!

Have a look at their first cooking tutorial here :

Don’t forget to like and subscribe to their channel if they made your tummy grumble!

bryzoid food kitchenlife