Ching It Out is an organisation founded by MC Bee of ManHand. The purpose of this organisation is to promote the Chinese hip hop culture and to encourage individuality and people to create their own music. In hopes to educate the public and change their outlook on hip hop culture.There are a number of elements that sum up the hip hop culture. Those include B-Boy, MCing, DJing as well as graffiti. In this day and age, people have the wrong idea about what hip hop is. Hip hop isn’t about attractive girls in skimpy clothing or spending a ton of money or having insane parties.

All four elements of hip hop culture will be included during the event. For the DJing, DJ Coolen and DJ Orangez will be spinning. For the B-Boy section, dancers from Freshbeat Academy Dance Studio will be breaking a sweat. For those interested in street art, local graffiti artist, Cloakwork, will be having a live performance. Manhand, Mobeat and Double Call will be performing as well as sharing a bit about the hip hop culture in hopes to educate the public as well as change their misconception.NFK is a non-profit charity organisation that hosts fundraisers to care for patients suffering from kidney-related diseases. They will be having a petition for charity during the event.
The event is happening on the 17th of August 2014, 9AM at The Bank, Penang.