
RECAP : BANJIR Exhibition by TTFGA

  • By Nazreen Zainurin
  • Feb 3
  • 0

Turning tragedy into positivity, that was made possible by the one and only Ridduan “TTFGA” Ismail. BANJIR exhibition brings out the optimistic perspective from the images that were captured through the lens of Ridduan.

Apart from the photo exhibition, Ridduan also showcased his journey through a series of time lapse videos that were projected onto a white wall. The videos documented only by his iPhone, showed everything from the in flight perspective of the flood to a ground view of the devastating condition that was taken from a truck on the drive to his hometown. 

The photos captured revealed a silver lining amidst the tragedy that happened. It portrayed carefree and hopefulness surrounding the devastation that occurred. One of it featuring a kid rebelling up against the flood pointing his middle finger towards the camera. It however showcased that there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

banjir banjir exhibition ridduan ismail the hq kl ttfga ttfga banjir