Right after the very successful ‘Kuala Lumpur Independent Klothing’ Festival (KLIK Fest) that happened last Saturday, another local-brand focused clothing festival will be happening next weekend, the 29th & 30th of June. As we mentioned before, our local clothing scene is indeed a very active,exciting and healthy scene. If you don’t believe us, head on down to the Tempatan Fest and see for yourself.
There’s gonna be over 50 local brands there, band performances and butt-loads of clothes to buy. Best part about it, that all Malaysians will love is, the admission is FREE! Oh yeah, did we mention that there will be a big screen setup at the fest to watch the finals of the Piala FA between Kelantan and Johor? “Rugi ah kalau tak pergi!”
Check the festival layout to spot where your favorite local brand is gonna be and also familiarize yourself on how to get around the almost 10,000 square feet fest site.