This year, Tiger Beer finally launched Tiger Translate in Malaysia. Created in 2005, Tiger Translate is a global platform that celebrates creativity in arts and music. Over the years, Tiger Translate has been showcasing various artistic collaborations in areas of music, design, photography, art and many more. This multi-sensory fusion of arts and music allows unconventional collaborations of arts, music and performances in one event.

Tiger Translate Malaysia will be bringing musicians and artist to the stage at Kenanga City on June 14. Five indie acts from local as well as international music scene, Editors from the UK, Chochukmo from Hong Kong, Manic Sheep from Taiwan along with OJ Law and Indiego & Co. from our homegrounds.
For the arts section, we have local Graffiti artist, Kenji Chai; tattoo artist, Lynda Chean and graphic designers of Kickatomic’s Tsu Ann and Jayme performing their wonders in front of a live crowd.

Stay tune to this space as we will be updating more about this event which will be happening on the 14th of June 2014, at Kenanga City. In the mean time check out the event’s website where you might stand a chance to win some free tickets to the event!