
A Surreal Adventure Inside Malaysia’s Newest Royal Palace by Benjamin Von Wong

  • By Shaun Loy
  • Jun 3
  • 0

Benjamin Von Wong an ex-engineer in Canada who found his love for photography. Von Wong decided to quit his job as a full-time engineer and pursuit what he love doing, photography. In his latest project, Von Wong was invited to step foot inside an invite-only Royal Palace in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia.


This enormous project just completed by architect Bill Bensley. The palace is open only on an invite-only basis and with some connection of the Internet world, Von Wong was invited by Bill Bensley to experience the Royal Palace first-hand and to create something particular, and share the beauty of the Royal Palace with the world. The Royal Palace with over a 100 rooms, 14 ton bronze doors and halls over three stories high, capturing the majesty of the palace was an massive challenge for Von Wong and his team. After countless hours of planning, shooting, and editing, Von Wong and his team are proud to present an exclusive walk in look of the Royal Palace and capturing its magnificence of the palace.

Exclusive video inside the Royal Palace by Von Wong. Click to view.


Benjamin Von Wong Bill Bensley Malaysia Royal Palace Surreal Adventure