
OCEANSATION 2015 – Camping & Beach Festival

  • By Zhafirry Fenner
  • Jul 27
  • 0

If you are planning on a vacation and having a hard time doing it, or you just don’t know where to go, and what to do, then you should probably continue reading this. OCEANSATION 2015 is a camping and beach festival organized by The Nomad Nation which will be happening on the 29th to 31st of August 2015 at Keke Bay, Perhentian Island, Terengganu. This one-of-a-kind event will be showcasing water sports and also beach activities where approximately 200 youth will bond together on a 3-day fun-packed journey on an island that is 20KM boat ride away from the mainland of Terengganu.

The brainchild of the event is to introduce newly-joined campers the elements of survival, independence, unity, bond, respect and also be adventurous amongst each other, and also with nature. This Jamboree-style camping will make use of the primitive camping concept; using bamboo to build up all the camps and facilities. Hence, taking it back to the basic approach which acts as the core of the festival.

Watch the promo video of the event below:


For more inquiries, mail it to / or hop over to their Facebook site.

camping and beach festival independence day merdeka day oceansation 2015 the nomad nation water sports