
An Upin & Ipin Movie Just Got Nominated For The 2020 Oscars

  • By Nabil Kamal
  • Oct 18
  • 5

Upin & Ipin was a pioneering cartoon back when the Malaysian animation scene was just only starting out to get into 3D animation. Now, from the success of the series, spawned new 3D cartoons from the likes of Boboiboy and Ejen Ali. Coupled with a good scriptwriting, a relatable background, and often pulling on the Malaysian humour strings, Upin & Ipin proved to be a stalwart series in Malaysian cartoons.

And it’s about damn time that we’re recognised internationally for our efforts, as Upin & Ipin: Keris Siamang Tunggal (Lone Gibbon Keris) is nominated for Best Animated Feature, competing against star studded names such as Toy Story 4, Frozen 2, Addams Family, Angry Birds 2, and How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World.

Whether or not the movie wins the title is a different story, but the fact that it can stand up there with the best of the rest, means that we are good enough for the world stage. We have made our point, and will continue to do so in the coming age, because Malaysia Boleh!

Keris Siamang Tunggal was released this March, garnering a total of RM 25 million at the box office and was briefly Malaysia’s number 1 animated film before being surpassed by BoBoiBoy Movie 2.

boboiboy keris siamang tunggal oscar nomination oscars toy story 4 upin ipin upin ipin movie upin ipin oscar