
Dead Eyes Glow “Houses” Music Video

  • By Fazlur Redza
  • Dec 15
  • 0

Over the weekends local east coast hardcore band Dead Eyes Glow have released the latest single “Houses” taken from their upcoming 2017 EP entitled “This Is All Of Us” which is due to release by the end of January next year.

An overview about this EP, the band are going deep in writing by challenging themselves to create music with something out of Malaysian “musically” comfort zone and it may caused them a great risk, as always, for sure. For Houses, they’re expressing their thoughts in the current local political situation, where they honestly think that it’s always been manipulated by them ever since our independence for their own good.

“We cant certainly stop this right now but we can make our voice heard by them. We are depending on our next generation to contain the damage that has been done by them for decades. We urge you to educate your children, let them know that they are our hope to break this invisible prison and make our country liberate from those self centred clowns.” says Aren drummer for Dead Eyes Glow.

For other tracks, the band tends to put their emotions in lots of dark side of life that’s surrounding their daily live’s. They’ve also came up with a song for their passing idol’s, Tom Searle of Architects UK. They have high hopes for this EP and honestly they have no idea how people will react to their new material so far.

Well without any delay, why not give yourself a listen to “Houses” tracks below here!

For more information about the band regarding about their release and so on, head over to their official page on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

dead eyes glow DEG east coast hardcore Houses Houses Music Video