
EXCLUSIVE : Dead Eyes Glow – “Blessing in Disguise” (Official Music Video)

  • By Zhafirry Fenner
  • Aug 28
  • 1


East Coast dudes – Dead Eyes Glow have been chugging (..the guitars), throbbing, and yelling to the metal and hardcore crowd since 2006. With their debut album, “In Search of the Glory We Had Lost” captivated the scene back in 2008, they did not stop their journey to solid-build their fan base by performing not only local-organized gigs but in overseas as well. We caught up with them and did a little interview about their latest music video, “Blessing in Disguise” and other random bands “stuff”. Check out the interview session below;-


1. Can you describe us the concept behind this music video?

The concept of the music video is inspired by the meaning of “Blessing in Disguise” itself which means – every single pain in your life is worth a lifetime glory. The visualization of the burned forest is a metaphor of a subject struggling with difficulties. The part when the light rays are shot is a metaphor of the subject finally realized that there’s a specific reason beneath every challenge and the last part where the subject is holding a flare is a metaphor of not giving up and keep on living. The music video is actually dedicated to our dear friend, Tengku Mohd Syazwan Tengku Mazlan, keep on fighting!


2. Maybe you can share an experience or two while making the music video?

Well, we supposed to shoot the music video at a different location but the initial plan has changed as Aren found a more suitable setting for the music video and sent out photos of the location to team We Are Grafy, 24-hours before the shooting starts. Frankly speaking, it is risky decision but we are thankful to everyone who took part especially We Are Grafy for fitting up the original storyline with the new location perfectly. Kudos to them!

3. What you guys normally do after performing?

It’s just the basic stuff I guess. Packing up our gears, high 5 each other, vape, smoke and watch other bands performing.



4. Dead Eyes Glow released two singles to date, can we expect an album coming up soon?

Yes! We are working on a new self-funded EP. Right now we are just in the midst of writing, recording and finalizing some tracks. All thanks to Nubreax Kuala Lumpur and Ardy for being really patient with us. We can say that we’re progressing.

5. “Blessing in Disguise” was released a couple of months ago and I personally think that it is all-around, one of the finest songs from Dead Eyes Glow, hats off. How’s the other feedback so far?

Thank you! We do appreciate your compliment. We felt the same as well. It’s been so far. Of course there’s some people questioning, what happen to the blastbeats, what happen to the breakdowns and what sort. It’s actually quite hard to figure out which path or which direction should we venture in writing new materials because we want to get rid of the “Architects Malaysia” labeling from Dead Eyes Glow. We’re just Dead Eyes Glow.



6. We can see that you guys are keen on supporting not just local but unknown international bands as well. Is it important for bands to support each other? Especially in Metal and Hardcore music scene.

It is. It feels good when we share out other bands’ music on our social platform. We listen to music as well, we are a fan of local music and we appreciate all their hard work. Despite any genre differences, we think that it is important. Our local scene is tiny small and to keep the scene alive is depending on how we do our music and support each other’s music as well.

7. Does it ever get competitive between bands out there?

We can clearly see it happened out there and we didn’t see any good points behind it. Make it a good competition. Just let your music do the walk, and it all will be alright. Just trust us.

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8. Very positive. That’s the way to go man. Dead Eyes Glow formed in Terengganu right? How did you guys cope with the long-distance relationship between your bandmates?

We have to admit, it gets hard sometimes. But, all thanks to technology. We usually share our demo and brainstorm our new music virtually. But we are still doing a full band practice whenever Rafiq and Zack are home, which is quite frequent because they can’t get their stomach out of Keropok Lekor and Nasi Dagang. Hahaha.

9. Last one. What is your favourite word in a spoken Terengannu dialect?

That would be a lot! But the first word on my mind right now is Tokmung! (google that up for those who don’t know)

So here is Dead Eyes Glow, premiering their latest music video, “Blessing in Disguise”, exclusively on Masses.

For more information about the band, head over to their Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

architects blessing in disguise dead eyes glow east coast hardcore hardcore metal metalcore post metalcore terengganu