
No Good Brings Their Kelantanese Punk Rock Music Merged To A Nostalgia Filled 80s Music Video

  • By Nabil Kamal
  • Apr 20
  • 3

It’s not often you have a band that puts forward the ‘kecek Kelate’ in their music, much less a whole demo tape, but in the case with No Good, that’s exactly what they did, and we’re all here for it, even though it takes some time to really understand what they are trying to say. Still, the oxymoron is an entertaining thought, merging two ends of the spectrum from a well known state with an ultra-conservative outlook to the very rebellious nature of punk rock, but I digress.

The music video above refers to a song from their “Demo Kawe” EP, titled ‘Che Using,’ revolving around 3 hitmen who go around KL in order to find a green suited man, presumably possessing something of considerable value. The music dictates the flow of the video, following a rhythm of fast paced car chasing, street chases, and a surprising drop from the top of a parking lot, all excellently done in full 80s graphics and cinematography.

Click here to listen to the full demo.

Peep local graffiti artist Fritilldea in the MV!

che using kelantanese punk rock no good no good che using punk rock sek kito jange pecoh