

  • By Fazlur Redza
  • Jul 24
  • 0

This week, we bring you all you need to know more about this particular band that recently hit the local scenes with their single titled “Taknak Standard” and they called themselves, The Fatalis. This new punk wave band have already released their debut EP titled “Gagalis Optimis” which come in CD’s but in 7″ packaging in conjunction with this year Record Store Day.

Last week, we had a chance to interview the band’s vocalist/Guitarist, Adib Azfar on The Fatalis musical journey thus far.


  1. Would you mind telling us a bit about the bands history that might want to share with the world?

The Fatalis officially was formed with the final line up in late December 2016. The band is a garage-rock-revival and fused with hardcore punk elements, which has become the basic fundamental of every each of the band members. The process to form the band took us 2 years to finalise in terms of music genre, band directions and band line up. But along the way, we managed to get help and support from our friends and as a result, the band’s final line up are Aiman Mufti on drums (ex-Sphere), Adib Azfar on guitar & vocals (ex-Oh Chentaku, Telephony, Decades), Faiq Aizad on lead guitar (ex-Project Alice) and last but not least, Nadzmi Musa on bass (ex-The84, session for Xtrotoyz). At the moment, the band just released a 6-track ep in CD format in a 7″ inlays in conjunction with Record Store Day 2017 called Gagalis Optimis.


  1. Is there any of your favourite local band or artist that inspired/influence you guys to make music?

There are local bands old and new as our reference. The old timers are such as Adnan Othman, SYJ, Sweet Charity (formed in SG but well known in Malaysia). Meanwhile the latest homegrown bands that always motivate us are TIM, Iqbal M, The Otherside Orchestra, Annihilation Turbo Kids, Speedwitches, Bittersweet, Couple and etc. But most of our influence surprisingly came from our neighbourhood country, Indonesia. Bands such as Kelompok Penerbang Roket, Morfem, The SIGIT, The Brandals, The Adams, The Stocker to name a few. All in all, we listen to all sort of music. Good or bad.


  1. What’s the story behind “Gagalis Optimis” EP ?

Gagalis Optimis EP is a story about the experience and the voice of the proletarian/marhaen suffering from the economic pressure in the modern age. From domestic, to peers, to financial, all these pressures resulting most of us to quit life in a miserable way, unless if we take it positively and embrace that we have more purpose in life rather than to end it in a very tragic way. We hope that this message can resonate to all listeners out there and hopefully they can relate to it.


  1. Let say if you guys are not in the band. What would you guys do?

We probably end up being a normal “Family” man. (laugh)


  1. What can we hope for The Fatalis in the near future?

Currently we are in the midst of releasing our second DIY music video for the song Gagalis Optimis with help of Hyrul Anuar the art director for Dugaan Raya Aida commercial and the boys from Reservoir. Previously, we had launched our first DIY music video, Taknak Standard with collaboration with Hariz Mansor and Khalil Makata, concurrently with the launch of this EP. And for this year Cassette Store Day, hopefully we can have Gagalis Optimis EP in cassette format. Other than that, we are looking for more shows and planning to head Indonesia for some mini shows there.


  1. Any last word before we end our interview?

For all the supporters out there, you know who you are, thank you so much for all the motivation! For those who would like to listen to our materials, kindly go to our bandcamp site: If you are the person who appreciate physical stuff, do visit Teenage Head Records in Subang Jaya or Tandang Records Store and ask for our EP. And if your hometown doesn’t have our stuff, then demand it.


Without further ado, feast your ears on The Fatalis debut EP “Gagalis Optimis” right below:

To creep and stalk their progress and development, don’t forget to check out the bands official page on Instagram and Facebook for more info.

The Fatalis