
Patriots “Conquest” New Single

  • By Fazlur Redza
  • Jun 27
  • 0

Local post hardcore/pop mosh band from Shah Alam, the Patriots, have recently released their improved single titled “Conquest”, which is the 4th track taken from their upcomingThe Stand Off ” EP. From what we know, the song is actually a continuation from their previous track “The Fallen”. To recap from our previous post, the band was once known as “Heart-A-Tack”, though they’ve since undergone a makeover of sorts and seen a few changes to their lineup too.

“Conquest is about resentment, about how an individual takes control and subjugates the negativity around them,” says Amir Shazrin, Patriots’ frontman.

The band is set to release its EP after the Raya festivities, so be sure to keep an eye out for that!

In the meantime, have a listen to Patriots’ “Conquest” lyric video below!

For more updates about the band do check them out on their official Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Conquest Lyric Video patriots patriotsmy post hardcore