
Patriots – “Patriots” Music Video

  • By Fazlur Redza
  • Jan 24
  • 0

Once again, homegrown underground post-hardcore/pop mosh band Patriots have finally shown that they’re capable of living up to their concept after the release of “Fallen” and “Terranova”. Shah Alam-based band has yet dropped another music video for their self-titled track, “Patriots”.

The self-titled track is an emotional tribute to their struggle as patriots of the music scene, having performed under a different name as Heart A-Tack. The video was actually a compilation of their journey so far as Patriots – including their last year’s Indonesian tour alongside a couple of short tribute clips to their Heart A-Tack days.


Have a listen and check out the video above.


For more updates on the band, do check them out on their official FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

music video patriots patriotsmy