
The Borak-Borak Sessions – Ali Aiman

  • By Bryan
  • Nov 18
  • 0

We recently met up with singer / song-writer Ali Aiman for a pretty short chat over a nice cuppa at Coffea Coffee in Bangsar. The conversation ranged from his musical influencers, his cartoons choices, and his upcoming performance in Urbanscapes 2014. For those of you who are not familiar, Ali Aiman took the music scene by force when he released his first ever single titled “Breathe” that was accompanied by a dark, monochromatic music video. If you have not watched the video, you can check it out below, and also the rest of our interview with him.

Can you introduce yourself?

I am 27 this year, I am a musician, I play the piano, trumpet and the guitar. But my main instrument is the piano. And my name is Ali Aiman.

How did your music journey start?

It was more like a career option for me, because growing up, I took music lessons and I also played in the marching band. It was all for fun. After high school, I tried something else, and it didn’t work out. So I opted for a musical career path instead. It felt like the most natural thing for me to do. So I decided to go to ICOM (International College of Music).

So your parents were supportive of it?

Yes, they were very supportive from the beginning. My parents sent me to piano lessons since I was 6 years old. Maybe it was something they never got the chance to do and they wanted to expose me to music, or whatever else that could become a career option other than the typical ones you usually hear about.

Bring us through your journey in ICOM and Berklee College of Music. How was it like?

I entered ICOM in 2005, I did a two year transfer program and in January 2008 I went to Berklee. I initially started out studying Jazz Composition, but then I met people and I got into new classes and it kinda open up a lot of possibilities and I ended studying Contemporary Writing Production instead. I graduated in 2010, and I worked there for 3 and half years as an arranger, a 2nd engineer, an intern,  and also as a music director for a kids theater.

What kinda stuff influences your music?

MAN, there is so many!

Okay, in a more specific way, which band, artist, or singer that inspired / influence you the most in your music?

For me the reason why I picked up the guitar is because of KORN. I am a massive KORN fan. “Issues” is my all-time favorite album. In terms of piano playing, it was only later when I started learning jazz that made me go like “Okay I wanna learn how to play jazz piano”, so “Chick Corea” and “Brad Mehldau” were my biggest inspiration. For song writing, there is so many, but Bjork is my most favorite.

What is that one song that is currently on repeat in your playlist?

Little Dragon – My Step

So you got a major gig coming up, which is Urbanscapes 2014 in December 6th & 7th, and this is your first time playing, how did you feel when they approached you?

Actually it was Kevin Yeoh (Gumballmag.com) who texted me, and asked “are you gonna be free on the 6th of December?” and I was like “yeeeaaah, why?”, “URBANSCAPES!” and I went like “HOLY CRAP!”         but everything happened really fast. After I confirmed, the organizers made the final lineup announcement the next day. It was pretty exciting. For me at least.

So are you preparing anything special for your performance in Urbanscapes?

I am writing a couple of new tunes, still haven’t finalized and arranged it yet, but it is in the works. But it is definitely gonna be something different from my usual sets.

So is there an album on the way? A tour maybe?

Yeah I have been writing a lot and I hope to release something in the early half of next year. I’m planning to do a new MV, so hopefully that one comes out soon.

From your experience of being a Malaysian who has studied and worked in the States for a while, what would be your advice to anybody pursuing something similar to what you had pursued?

First of all, if you want something bad enough, you just have to really work for it. It is not easy. It is the same anywhere you go. Be it in the USA or in Malaysia. Secondly, you gotta keep learning. If you are a DIY kinda musician and everything is self-taught, it never hurts to learn. With the internet, everything is so accessible. You can just go online and learn music theory, music lessons, mixing, producing. Anything.

Star Wars or Futurama or Simpsons or Family Guy?

FAMILY GUY! That kid, Stewie is my favorite. I do enjoy watching the movies but I’m not such a big fan of Star Wars though.


Do you have any “Life-Hacks” that you can share with us?

For me honestly, I don’t really have “life-hacks”, but I just got this saying which I follow very closely:-      if you want to do it, just do it. Get out of your room, and stop making excuses for yourself and just do it.

Would you “Tolong Or Saman?”

I would probably “Buat Muka Kesian” and try to act dumb when the cops hint for me to ‘tolong’ them.

If you have the opportunity to do a song with any super-hero / super-villian, who would that be?

I would probably do it with Magneto. Because it would be just super dark.

Ali Aiman urbanscapes 2014