
Nintendo X Vans Collection

  • By Jansen Leong
  • Jun 9
  • 0


In a bid to sate the nostalgia of old-school gamers while providing sneakerheads with more reasons to salivate over killer kicks, Nintendo and Vans have banded together to produce this collection bearing the aesthetic of timeless 8-bit gaming gems.

The Nintendo games that will see their likeness imprinted on Vans footwear in all their pixelated glory are Super Mario Bros, Donkey Kong, The Legend of Zelda, and Duck Hunt. If that wasn’t spectacularly geeky enough, the iconic ‘GAME OVER!’ wording is printed at the base of the shoe, with “GAME” on one half of the pair and “OVER!” on the other. This makes the shoe… well, a shoe-in for any brawls you might have. Why, you ask? Imagine the last thing your unfortunate opponents see before they black out are the words “GAME OVER!” as you drop kick them in the face.

P.S: Please don’t drop kick anyone in the face.

The collection is not quite out on our shores just yet, but be ready to check them out at selected Vans’ retailers when they do go live this 15th June!

nintendo vans